On Navy Day, Putin says United States is main threat to Russia

On Navy Day, Putin says United States is main threat to Russia

On Navy Day, Putin says United States is main threat to Russia

President Vladimir Putin approved a new navy doctrine on Sunday, casting the United States as Russia’s principal enemy and outlining Russia’s global maritime goals in critical regions including the Arctic and the Black Sea.

On Navy Day, Putin says United States is main threat to Russia
On Navy Day, Putin says United States is main threat to Russia

In St. Petersburg, Russia’s historic imperial capital, Putin lauded Tsar Peter the Major for making Russia a great naval power while boosting the country’s worldwide position.

As stated in the doctrine, the primary danger to Russia is the “strategic objective of the United States to control the world’s waters” and the encroachment of NATO forces on Russian territory.

On Navy Day, Putin says United States is main threat to Russia

When diplomacy and economic options are exhausted, Russia may deploy its military might to deal with the situation in the seas, according to the policy, which acknowledges that Russia does not have adequate naval bases throughout the globe

Priority was given to developing strategic and naval cooperation with India and other countries in the area, including Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and others.


“The Russian Federation will firmly and fiercely defend its national interests in the world’s waters, and possessing adequate maritime strength will assure their security and protection,” the declaration said.

On Navy Day, Putin says United States is main threat to Russia

Putin didn’t name Ukraine in his address, but Russia’s military strategy envisions a “complete strengthening” of Russia’s geopolitical position in the Black and Azov seas.


During the five-month Ukraine crisis, tensions between Russia and the West have increased.


A key aspect of Russia’s strategy is to assert control over the Arctic Ocean, which the United States has frequently accused Moscow of militarising.


With a total coastline of 37,650 kilometres (23,400 miles), Russia encompasses the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea as well as its shoreline from the Sea of Japan to the White Sea.

On Navy Day, Putin says United States is main threat to Russia

Putin predicted that the Zircon hypersonic cruise missiles will be delivered to the Admiral Gorshkov frigate within months of his election victory. Russian interests would dictate the site of their deployment, he claimed.


“Russia’s naval might is the most important factor here. It has the ability to strike back at rapid speed against anybody attempting to encroach on our freedom and sovereignty.”


In recent months, Russia has tested the Zircon, a hypersonic weapon capable of travelling at nine times the speed of sound, from warships and submarines.


On Sunday morning, Ukrainian soldiers opened fire on the Black Sea Fleet’s headquarters in Sevastopol, Crimea, according to Sevastopol Governor Mikhail Razvozhayev.



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